Hi, I'm Abin Simon
, a Research Engineer.
And this was supposed to be filled with `site.author.bio` had I written one.
- Putting Go's Context package into context
- How does sync.WaitGroup work
- Firefox bookmark keywords for faster navigation
- Just enough CORS to not get stuck
- Navigating around in your shell
- How I manage my tasks in LogSeq
- What is in that .git directory?
- Splitting and joining using tree-sitter
- Releasing scopeline.el
- What is in a modern code editor?
- EmacsConf 2022
- Self hosted location history
- Navigating config files using tree-sitter
- Playing around with tree-sitter in Emacs
- Your terminal on lsd
- Drag and drop from terminal
- A useful shell prompt
- Introduction to nix
- Intelligent snippets using tree-sitter
- Releasing gh-issues-to-rss
- Emacs alternatives for pouplar Neovim plugins
- Just flip a coin
- Releasing evil-textobj-tree-sitter
- A better way to think about tests
- Zooming into Zoom meetings
- Edit everything in Emacs
- Templating things in Airflow DAG
- Just a simple markdown previewer
- My workflow hacks
- Highlight yanked region in Emacs
- Just a bunch of git stuff
- Floating scratch terminal in tmux
- What you need might not be Kubernetes
- Copy file opened in macOS preview to working directory
- Completely remove a file from git history
- What exactly are stock options?
- A simpler method for a reactive UI
- Mounting S3 bucket in docker containers on kubernetes
- Auto shutdown VM if no active SSH connections
- Dynamic reverse proxy using nginx in Kubernetes
- Switching to DuckDuckGo
- Table operations like in Nu shell in BASH
- How to create a SVG blob thingy in HTML Canvas
- Making sure you won't commit conflict markers
- Accessing Kubernetes API from a Pod (RBAC)
- Git never forgets, well kinda. `git-reflog`
- Setting local files as New Tab page in Firefox
- Understanding Kubernetes (Basics)
- Beginners guide to tensorflow serving
- Automatically list files after cd
- A bit more about configuring nginx (rewrite and alias)
- How to do server side autocompletion (networking parts)
- Understanding Rust macros
- A really simple nginx config
- Publishing a console application to pypi
- Docker basics
- Quickly go to project root
- Connecting `Redux` to `React`, simplified
- Take a picture of you every time you open your laptop
- Creating a tic-tac-toe game in Clojurescript using Reagent
- Ehh, Webassembly?
- How Emacs took over my Vim life
- How to make Vim and Tmux friends with system clipboard