Creating a tic-tac-toe game in Clojurescript using Reagent
Whoosh, I am tired of JS all day long, let me try out something else. And yeah, I ended up here.
Actually I was kinda playing around with Haskell
before I reached here. It feels pretty good to have a change from the usual stuff.
To be frank I think everyone should try out functional programming at some point of time.
Well, enough bullshit let us get to building it.
Fully working code: tictactoe-clojurescript-reagent
To start with Clojrescript
is a functional programming language.
It derives from Clojure
Random fact:
runs on top of Java.
Installation and setup #
I want to add the setup instructions, but it is different for different systems and I am really lazy right now so go check out the webpage.
Just some pointers, you will need Java
first. Then install Clojurescript
and then leiningen
is kinda like gulp.
Btw in mac it is:
brew install clojurescript
brew install leiningen
Getting started #
Setting up template #
First you blah blah....
Run this command:
lein new figwheel ttt -- --reagent
It is kinda like npm init
command but with livereload
and react
OK, what that does is create a new project with figwheel
and using reagent
is like gulp-livereload
plugin. Reagent
is the Clojurescript
wrapper arround Facebook's React
JS framework.
Now you start the lien
server ( which has hot reload ) by using the command:
lein figwheel
You will get a file structure like this
├── dev
│ └── user.clj
├── project.clj
├── resources
│ └── public
│ ├── css
│ │ └── style.css
│ └── index.html
└── src
└── ttt
└── core.cljs
6 directories, 6 files
The main file you will have to work on here is src/ttt/core.cljs
. It is the file that we will add all the core logic into.
is a configuration file, kinda like package.json
Well, let us see some basics of Clojrescript
In the core.cljs
file you will have:
(ns ttt.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
(println "This text is printed from src/ttt/core.cljs. Go ahead and edit it and see reloading in action.")
;; define your app data so that it doesn't get over-written on reload
(defonce app-state (atom {:text "Hello world!"}))
(defn hello-world []
[:h1 (:text @app-state)]
[:h3 "Edit this and watch it change!"]])
(reagent/render-component [hello-world]
(. js/document (getElementById "app")))
(defn on-js-reload []
;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
;; your application
;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)
Let us see what all of these lines do.
(ns ....) #
The top two lines is kinda your import statements. Mostly importing Reagent
console.log() #
Well we have println
instead of console.log
. But since this is a functional language we use it like:
(println "Stuff you wanna print")
This will get printed in the JS console in your browser.
Commenting #
You can use ;
to start a comment.
Anything after this, used on start of a line or anywhere in the line is considered as a comment.
; I heard you like comments
In line 10, what you see is a variable ( atom
) declaration. The difference between this variable and others is that it is an immutable variable which means you cannot modify it in place.
(reagent/render-component) #
Renders component, duh.
It renders the hello-world
component on to the div with id app
(defn hello-world [] ) #
Well hello-world
is a function that is return a html string kinda thing or more like return a JSX object ( if that is a thing ).
In Clojurescript
world it is called hiccup
like syntax. It has pretty much redid the html in a Clojure
ish syntax.
Actually from Reagent
The defenition here:
[:h1 (:text @app-state)]
[:h3 "Edit this and watch it change!"]]
gives you something like:
<h3>Edit this and watch it change!</h3>
(:text @app-state) #
This is how you get a value from the immutable variable.
You use
when using an atom
Now if you have some value multiple levels deep you can use get-in
For example:
user=> (def m {:username "sally"
:profile {:name "Sally Clojurian"
:address {:city "Austin" :state "TX"}}})
user=> (get-in m [:profile :name])
"Sally Clojurian"
user=> (get-in m [:profile :address :city])
user=> (get-in m [:profile :address :zip-code])
user=> (get-in m [:profile :address :zip-code] "no zip code!")
"no zip code!"
Check out ClojureScript Cheatsheet in case you get stuck.
Building the game #
Cool, now with all that basics out of the way let us get to building the actual game.
I will be using the code from here (tictactoe-clojurescript-reagent)
So as I said the main file you will be checking out will be src/ttt/core.cljs
We will go line by line ( mostly ) from the above cited project's core.cljs
Lines 9 - 10 #
(defn make-board "Creates a new board. n denotes the size." [n]
(vec (repeat n (vec (repeat n 0)))))
In here we define a function which will, on call return a [n x n] matrix.
(repeat n 0)
creates a list of n 0's. We turn that into a vector. Now we get one n dimensional array.
We create multiple copies of this to create an [n x n] matrix.
Lines 12 - 17 #
(def board-size 3)
(defonce app-state
(atom {:text ":game"
:board (make-board board-size)
;; none win lose draw
:win "none"}))
In here we are mainly defining variables. In line 12 we define the variable board-size
In lines 13 to 17 we are creating an atom ( an immutable variable ) which contains a text, the current board and win state.
Lines 19 - 30 #
(defn check-win "Check for win and lose conditions" [user computer]
(if (or (some #(= board-size %) (for [freq (frequencies (for [el user] (first el)))] (second freq)))
(some #(= board-size %) (for [freq (frequencies (for [el user] (second el)))] (second freq)))
(= board-size (get-in (frequencies (for [el user] (= (first el) (second el)))) [true]))
(= board-size (get-in (frequencies (for [el user] (= (first el) (- (- board-size (second el)) 1)))) [true])))
(swap! app-state assoc :win "win"))
(if (or (some #(= board-size %) (for [freq (frequencies (for [el computer] (first el)))] (second freq)))
(some #(= board-size %) (for [freq (frequencies (for [el computer] (second el)))] (second freq)))
(= board-size (get-in (frequencies (for [el computer] (= (first el) (second el)))) [true]))
(= board-size (get-in (frequencies (for [el computer] (= (first el) (- (- board-size (second el)) 1)))) [true])))
(swap! app-state assoc :win "lose"))
Here we define the checks to see if the player or bot has won. Draw conditions are checked in another function.
The variables user
and computer
are values that are passed from the function check-state
defined at line 32.
The contents of these variables are list of [i j] values for which the respective players have marked.
Once we have found out if there is a win or lose condition we use swap!
and assoc
to change the value of win inside of app-state
Lines 32 - 49 #
(defn check-state []
(let [board (:board @app-state)
remaining (for [i (range board-size)
j (range board-size)
:when (= (get-in board [i j]) 0)]
[i j])
user (for [i (range board-size)
j (range board-size)
:when (= (get-in board [i j]) 1)]
[i j])
computer (for [i (range board-size)
j (range board-size)
:when (= (get-in board [i j]) 2)]
[i j])]
(if (= (count remaining) 0)
(swap! app-state assoc :win "draw"))
(check-win user computer)
This function check-state
along with the above one is used to determine the win, lose, draw or none setting of the :win
This variable :win
is what is then used in order to set the message on the screen.
What we use in our matrix to denote played position is 1 and 2 for user and computer respectively.
In this function we get the positions which are remaining ie not marked, positions played by the user and positions played by the computer into the variables remaining
, user
and computer
If no elements are present in the remaining
variable we set the condition as draw. Win lose conditions are checked in the check-win
function which is called later on.
Lines 51 - 63 #
(defn computer-move []
;; choose a random unplayed block
(let [board (:board @app-state)
remaining (for [i (range board-size)
j (range board-size)
:when (= (get-in board [i j]) 0)]
[i j])
move (rand-nth remaining)
path (into [:board] move)]
(swap! app-state assoc-in path 2)
This function is used to compute a move for the computer to play.
What it does it it picks out the remaining positions in the game-matrix and store it to remaining
Then we chose a random value from the remaining
variable and make the change to the board.
Lines 65 - 121 #
(defn block [color i j]
[:div {:style {:background-color color
:width "100px"
:height "100px"
:border "5px solid #fff"}
:on-click (fn [e]
(if (and (= 0 (get-in @app-state [:board i j])) (= (:win @app-state) "none"))
((swap! app-state assoc-in [:board i j] 1)
(if (= (:win @app-state) "none")
(defn blank [i j]
(block "#f5f5f5" i j))
(defn cross [i j]
(block "#FF7043" i j))
(defn circle [i j]
(block "#FFEE58" i j))
(defn render-board []
[:div {:style {:display "flex" :flex-wrap "wrap"}}
(doall(for [i (range board-size)
j (range board-size)]
(case (get-in @app-state [:board i j])
0 ^{:key (str i "-" j)} [blank i j]
1 ^{:key (str i "-" j)} [cross i j]
2 ^{:key (str i "-" j)} [circle i j]
(defn app []
[:div {:style {:text-align "center"}}
[:h1 {:style {:display "block" :float "left"}} (:text @app-state)]
[:h1 {:style{:background-color "#f5f5f5"
:display "block"
:float "right"}} "tic-tac-toe"]]
[:div.clearfix {:style {:clear "both"}}]
[:h3 {:style {:width "100%" :text-align "center"}} "Let us play some "
[:code {:style {:font-family "cursive"}} "tic-tac-toe"] " now"]
[:center [:div {:style {:font-size "20px"}} (:win @app-state)]]
[ {:style {:width (str (* 110 board-size) "px")
:height (str (* 110 board-size) "px")
:background-color "#ded"
:cursor "pointer"
:display "inline-block"}}
[:button {:on-click (fn [e]
(swap! app-state assoc :board (make-board board-size))
(swap! app-state assoc :win "none")
:style {:font-size "30px"
:font-family "monaco, monospace"
:margin-top "20px"}} "New Game"]]])
This is the UI definition of the game.
The function block
gives a hiccup like object of a single block.
The function blank
and circle
are just simple wrappers around block
to give different color blocks.
We use colors instead of symbols just because they are easy.
The render-board
function is used to render the whole board using the board
value in app-state
The definition is mostly the hiccup
like syntax and I hope that makes sense to you.
Towards the end we also add a button to reset the game which has an on-click
lister added to it which changes the value of board into a new one and reset the win
value to none.
And that basically wraps up the whole code. :)